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Colony Consulting was formed in 1997 out of need. Remember the old adage…”Necessity is the mother of invention.”? It became very clear that small businesses needed a consulting firm with experience, knowledge and a knack for providing unique strategies for helping them succeed. At the time of this formation, we were fascinated by a small insect: the honeybee. Their work ethic inspired our brand name.


Honeybees work in groups called colonies. Every bee in the colony knows their role and they operate closely with their co-workers to assure that their colony is the best it can be. They are a highly organized society and everyone gets along. Every bee acts with intricate cooperation for the betterment of the colony.


The honeybee is really smart. Not hindered by their sesame seed-sized brain, the bee has a remarkable capacity to learn and remember things and is able to make complex calculations to be more efficient in getting the job done.


The bee and its societal ‘group’ (the colony) embodies the perfect harmony of any corporate office, or board room, or athletic team. And in business terms, the honeybee has over a million years of strategic wisdom and working well with others.


Colony Consulting Group is a consulting firm with honeybee attributes: dedication, focus, teamwork, flexibility and making sure the needs of your entire colony are met. We deliver quality results in a fast, friendly and unique way.

Robin Vitiello


Small businesses can have unique challenges. We're here to offer unique solutions.

Whether it's staffing, training, developing policies and procedures, marketing or budgeting, we've got a team to help your company succeed. 

(702) 477-5774

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