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Business Coaching

Business Coaching is a creative and focused partnership between you and one of our consultant coaches.

Our comprehensive business consulting service is designed to increase your firm’s productivity and profitability. We will work closely with you to define your needs, understand the areas for improvement and propose a management plan that is designed specifically for your company.

Planning Meeting
Business Coaching

Business Needs Analysis

Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement, organizational changes or strategic planning and policy development.


Our consultants will offer solutions that optimize the outcomes for you.  We are resourceful and work with you to meet your business needs. By analyzing your organization, we help you understand areas for improvement.

Business Needs Analysis

Business Troubleshooting

No company is without challenges or problems. Before any problem can be corrected, it must be identified.

Our consultants work closely with your staff and conduct a needs analysis to help identify problems, inefficiencies
and challenges that are creating road-blocks to success.


Once we identify where the problem lies, we determine its cause and work to develop a viable and cost effective solution to eliminate the problem and help your company flourish.

Business Meeting
Business Troubleshooting

Corporate Training

One of the most common reasons companies fire their employees is because they can’t perform their job functions. Training is a great way for companies to get a lot of bang for their buck.


A group of employees can be trained on a topic which will ensure consistency and get the message across to a large number of employees. Training can be incorporated into any of our service offerings. For example, your staff can receive training on a new company procedure. We provide quality on-site or virtual training.

Corporate Training

Corporate Policies & Procedures

A well-written set of policies and procedures will communicate a thorough outline of the company’s purpose, philosophies, and good business practices.

We can develop your corporate policy and procedures in addition to creating custom forms, templates, and checklists for your employees. We can also develop, train, and implement any improvement processes. We can create department-specific or function-specific policies and procedures including auditing and human resources.

Office Environment
Policies & Procedures
Sales Agent

Sales & Marketing Plans

Marketing your company is more than telling people your name. It’s about persuasion. It’s demonstrating that your products and services are the best out there.


We can help you develop your marketing strategy and once we have a strategy, we can help you develop a course of action. We’ll recommend different options such as advertising, sales & social media platforms.

Sales & Marketing Plans

Public Relations

Are you having a Grand Opening for your company? Are you adding a new product to your line? Do you want to target a new audience? Public relations may be just what you need.

We can help get your company the exposure it needs. We can issue press releases. We can develop a press package for your organization, issue announcements, press releases 
or feature story releases. Keep us in mind for affordable PR exposure!

Public Speaker
Public Relations
Female Accountant

Financial Statements

Understanding and analyzing this statement from month to month is a valuable tool for any business owner.

We can analyze your company’s monthly cash flow or set you up to start using your statements to understand more about your company. Even if you use a bookkeeper or do the books yourself, understanding your financial statements is a critical tool to the success of your business.

Financial Statements

Human Resources

Human resource management is a vital part of your company’s success. Recruiting and onboarding the right employees can make or break a business.

We can work as your company’s Human Resource department or provide specific needs as necessary. We can help hire new employees, improve employee relationships, develop and implement employee incentive programs, and improve morale and productivity.

Business People Applauding
Human Resources
Graphic Designers

Organizational Management

Organizational Management is about having a strategy–a plan–for your organization’s success. Planning is essential for an organization to achieve its desired objectives, and planning must occur at every step of the way as a company grows.

Our consultants develop an organizational plan and help your management team recognize their c
ontributions, and their employees’ contributions to the organizational strategy.

Organizational Management

Speaker's Forum

Trying to motivate your staff? Need a team-building event? How about a guest speaker during your next meeting or conference? 

Our speakers are seasoned professionals who can talk about a range of subjects and topics. Our team has spoken at large conferences and small groups. We’ve talked to students, board members, and executives from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Businesswoman in Front of Crowd
Speaker's Forum
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